

vineri, 12 iulie 2024


The plant of the soul: THE RINGER

* The most powerful natural antidote for sadness and melancholy that appear with the diminution of light, the cooling of the weather and the approaching arrival of winter * 

A few years ago, an experiment took place in Germany that would shock the scientific community and, at the same time, give a ray of hope for the millions of people suffering from the disease of the 21st century: DEPRESSION. The experiment we are talking about included over 3000 sufferers, from young people of not even 20 years old, to the elderly over 80 years old, all of whom took St. John's wort extract for four weeks. In dry statistical terms, the experiment was a success - over 80% of the participants noticed significant improvements in their mental state, and only less than 5% faced adverse effects, usually minor, incomparably 
lower than in the case of synthetic antidepressants. But looking beyond the statistics and figures, the extract from this modest plant proved to be a true miracle. It comforted and gave a desperate helping hand to hundreds of people who could no longer find their place in the world because they suffered from pessimism and devastating sadness, to the poor unfortunates who could not sleep every night because of psychological suffering, or to those who were headed for suicide, as a result of depression. Never before in modern history had there been a natural remedy, experimented on such a scale, and which gave such results, in a condition of great gravity and with a very wide spread. More jokingly, more seriously, one of the 633 doctors who were involved in this experiment said that what antibiotics meant for the 20th century, St. John's wort will mean for the 21st century, when depression begins to be more widespread than infections. However, it would be unfair to believe that the effectiveness of St. John's wort is limited only to depression. Both internally and externally, it has healing properties in many other conditions. Let's see what it is about, first learning some practical things about its administration and preparation.

Business card

The plant of the soul: THE RINGER
St. John's wort is picked in the sun...
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a plant that grows spontaneously in all areas of the country, from the sub-mountainous regions to the plains. It is perennial (its root goes into hibernation in winter, so that a new stem can sprout from it in spring), growing up to one meter tall, but most commonly 40-50 centimeters. With its yellow flowers, with leaves with reddish-rusty dots, it is unmistakable. The most powerful therapeutic effects are its flowering tops, which contain several substances that when macerated in water or alcohol give them a very characteristic reddish color.

St. John's wort-based preparations

St. John's wort extract

It is the kind of remedy that people who are subject to intense mental stress, who have sleep disorders or who have a pronounced meteosensitivity should always have on hand. 
The plant of the soul: THE RINGER
...and dries in the shade
It is obtained from the tincture of aerial parts of St. John's wort, from which the alcohol completely evaporates, leaving a reddish-brown powder, extremely concentrated in active principles, with a specific odor: St. John's wort extract. It contains several times or dozens of times more active principles than the simple powder or tincture. Moreover, these active principles are fully assimilated by the body, and not just in a proportion of 15-25%, as in the case of the simple powder. As such, the extract is the most concentrated "medicine" that can be obtained from St. John's wort, so it is not surprising that all the studies that we will refer to in the following have used this form of administration. In our country, St. John's wort extract is found combined in equal proportions with St. John's wort herb powder, in the form of capsules, with remarkable therapeutic efficiency. The association of the powder with the extract helps the patient to benefit from the natural, original properties of the plant, making the treatment more efficient. The required doses of extract capsules will be specified for each type of condition.

St. John's wort powder

Grind the dried St. John's wort stems very finely with an electric coffee grinder, then sift through a fine sieve (such as the one for white flour). The powder obtained in this way is stored in hermetically sealed glass jars, in dark and cool places, for a maximum period of 15 days (because the active substances oxidize relatively quickly). As a rule, it is administered 4 times a day, one grated teaspoon, on an empty stomach, at 7, 13, 19 and 22.

Combined St. John's wort infusion

In half a liter of water, 3-4 tablespoons of crushed St. John's wort are soaked for 8-10 hours, then filtered. The resulting preparation is set aside, and the remaining plant is boiled in another half liter of water for five minutes, then allowed to cool and filtered. Finally, the two extracts are mixed, obtaining approximately one liter of combined infusion of St. John's wort, which is used internally (1-2 cups per day).

St. John's wort oil

In half a liter of olive, grape seed or sesame oil, put 10 tablespoons of dried and not very finely chopped St. John's wort flowers. Let the mixture macerate in the sun for 2 weeks, then filter, and the resulting preparation is drawn into a dark bottle, which is kept in dark and cool places.

Preventive treatments

*  Diabetes - the latest theories about the occurrence of diabetes show that often the basis of this condition is an emotional imbalance. It seems that people subjected to stress, to emotions such as disappointment, sadness, despair end up having disorders of the pancreas function, which, repeated over time, lead to illness. Refined sugar and concentrated sweets consumed in excess also lead to diabetes, being the most accessible drug, to determine the release of substances (neurotransmitters) in the body, which temporarily compensate for negative mental states. 
The plant of the soul: THE RINGER
The powder is stored in tightly closed jars.
So, if we don't want to become diabetic, we need to keep our stress under control, with natural means, and St. John's wort is perhaps the most handy. The powder is administered 3 teaspoons a day, in 2-4 week courses, during periods of high stress or when we are faced with pronounced emotional tension.
*  Indigestion, dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome  - people who are prone to these conditions should do, 2-3 times a year, a combined infusion of St. John's wort and basil (Ocimum basilicum). One liter is administered per day, in 30-day courses. This remedy is a mild digestive tonic, prevents gastric and intestinal disorders due to stress, regulates appetite.
*  Panic attacks  - several case studies show that a course of St. John's wort extract (800-1200 mg per day), taken for 4 weeks, helps prevent paroxysmal attacks of fear. The extract from this plant helps to keep negative emotions under control, relieves phobias and induces a state of mental and physical tone that helps the patient control their fear.
*  Thrombophlebitis  - a class of active substances, called coumarins, contained in St. John's wort helps prevent the formation of blood clots and their migration. As such, St. John's wort extract capsules are recommended, 4-6 per day, in courses of 30 days, followed by a 15-day break, to prevent the appearance of this condition. The same St. John's wort extract is a very good adjuvant for those who want to quit smoking, given that this vice is an important risk factor for thrombophlebitis.

Internal treatments

*  Meteosensitivity  - several studies show that patients who experience anxiety, headaches, sleep and concentration problems due to weather phenomena benefit greatly from treatment with St. John's wort. Patients who suffer from gloomy weather, fog and low light respond best to treatment, as St. John's wort induces a state of mental tone, vivacity and optimism. St. John's wort extract is administered, 800-1000 mg per day, in courses of maximum 6 weeks, followed by a 2-week break.
*  Obsessive-compulsive disorders - the capsules with the combination of powder and St. John's wort extract are administered, 4-6 per day, in two-month courses, followed by a one-month break. Numerous patients who have taken St. John's wort to treat other conditions have noted the positive effects of St. John's wort in the case of these disorders. The official studies conducted on this topic are still few and contradictory, but based on practical observations made by doctors, it can be safely stated that in some cases, with the help of St. John's wort, positive results can be obtained for eliminating these disorders or at least for reducing their intensity and frequency.
The plant of the soul: THE RINGER

*  Anxiety  - is an area in which St. John's wort is not as effective as in the case of depression, but there are many patients who have obtained encouraging results using this plant. It is recommended to alternate the administration of St. John's wort (4-8 capsules per day) with passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), in courses of four weeks each.
*  Obesity and weight gain due to emotional imbalances  - it is necessary to say in this context that, in fact, there is practically no person who is faced with weight problems and who does not have an emotional problem that underlies this eating disorder. Therefore, many doctors in Germany and the United States have obtained remarkable results, treating obese patients with St. John's wort. Conferring a state of mental tone and alertness, significantly reducing the suffering caused by reducing the amount of food, creating the mood for an active life and for sports, St. John's wort is a true anti-obesity plant. By treating it, one does not only aim to lose a few kilograms, which are put back at the first emotional crisis compensated with abundant food, but one gets much closer to the root of the problem, which is the lifestyle. St. John's wort extract is administered, 1-1.2 grams per day, taken in fractions, in portions, 30-60 minutes before meals.
*  Fermentation colitis  - St. John's wort powder is administered, one grated teaspoon, four times a day, in 30-day courses, followed by a 21-day break. St. John's wort is taken on an empty stomach, before meals, or at least two hours after eating. The active principles of the plant reduce the number of fermentation bacteria in the intestine, thus regulating the flora, restoring the epithelia and eliminating inflammation. Also, treatment with St. John's wort helps control mental stress, which is among the main factors that lead to the appearance, worsening or recurrence of fermentation colitis.
The plant of the soul: THE RINGER
St. John's wort oil is macerated in the sun

*  Viral hepatitis, chronic and acute  - several studies show that some active substances in St. John's wort (hypericin and hyperforin in particular) attack the viruses that cause hepatitis B and C. Experimental medicine tests conducted in this regard are promising, but clinical trials have not yet been completed. What can be said for sure at the moment is that St. John's wort, even if only as an adjuvant, is of real use in the treatment of hepatitis. It reduces the rate of evolution of the disease, helps to keep emotional tensions under control, which are very dangerous in the case of those with liver problems, protects the liver from destructive processes. St. John's wort extract is recommended, 1 gram per day, in 6-week courses, followed by another 3-week break.
*  Insomnia  - several studies conducted in institutes in Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom analyzed the way in which St. John's wort influences sleep. It was found that St. John's wort does not help us fall asleep faster, instead, it increases the period of deep dreamless sleep (the most restful phase of sleep), increases the production of melatonin (the hormone of restful sleep), makes waking up in the morning easier. St. John's wort extract is administered, 400 mg, 3 times a day, the last dose at 10 pm. It is a simple treatment, which will make sleep more restful and regenerative, even if it will not significantly increase the period of time we sleep.
*  Alcohol and nicotine addiction  - experimental animals treated with St. John's wort, after they had been induced to be addicted to alcohol or nicotine, showed much fewer negative symptoms, once these drugs were suddenly stopped. In practice, it has been found that patients who have decided to give up these vices have a much greater chance of success if they follow a treatment with St. John's wort, which on the one hand reduces the suffering of the adaptation period, and on the other hand helps to mobilize psychic resources to overcome this moment. In other words, although it does not take the place of drugs and is not a substitute for willpower, St. John's wort is of real use for overcoming the addiction threshold. St. John's wort extract is administered, 1.5 grams in the first week of treatment, reducing the dose in the following weeks, up to 1 gram per day. A cure lasts 6 weeks and will be followed by another 3-4 weeks of break, after which the treatment is resumed.
*  Premenstrual syndrome - observations made on patients by American doctors Bratman (1997) and Rosenthal (1999) show that the mental state of women with premenstrual syndrome is greatly improved with the help of St. John's wort. Symptoms such as mental irritability, depression, attention and concentration deficit, mental hyper-excitability are reduced, all correlated with the period before menstruation or even during menstruation. The same doctors have noted similar effects of St. John's wort in the case of premenopausal disorders. St. John's wort powder is administered, one teaspoon four times a day, in 28-day courses, with a 10-14-day break.

External applications

The plant of the soul: THE RINGER
*  Burns of minor and moderate severity  - at the first application, wash with a cotton pad very well moistened with St. John's wort tincture. Immediately after drying the skin, apply St. John's wort oil liberally. 2-3 such applications are made daily, taking care that the skin is not exposed to the sun for 24 hours after using the St. John's wort preparation.
*  Bruises  - hold a compress with St. John's wort tincture on the affected area. The sensation of pain will be diminished, the lesion will heal faster and will be less obvious in the different phases of healing.
*  Open wounds  - wash with St. John's wort tincture, then leave the wound to air, to heal quickly. 2-3 such applications are made per day. They reduce pain, prevent infection and accelerate the healing and scarring process.
*  Atopic dermatitis  - apply St. John's wort oil three times a day, until complete healing. Several studies have confirmed the healing action of St. John's wort in this condition.

Adverse reactions to treatment with St. John's wort

Given that there are already millions of constant users of St. John's wort, the adverse effects of this plant are very well known. All studies conducted so far show that the percentage of those who have adverse reactions is very low (under 5% with St. John's wort, compared to 31% with allopathic medicines), and these reactions are minor. The most common is excessive sensitivity of the body to light (photosensitivity), especially to sunlight, which can cause skin burns, eye discomfort, headaches. Therefore, people undergoing treatment with St. John's wort should not expose themselves to the sun between 11 am and 6 pm. Other possible adverse effects of internal and external treatment with St. John's wort are dry mouth, temporary dizziness, skin rashes and temporary itching, very rarely difficulty falling asleep, gastrointestinal disorders. The specialized literature also mentions several isolated cases (reported to millions of users) of worsening tachycardia, anxiety symptoms, concentration disorders, and depression in those who were already taking chemical medication for this condition.

Precautions and contraindications for treatment with St. John's wort

The first contraindication to this plant is for those who are simultaneously taking synthetic drugs for depression and anxiety, for insomnia, for epilepsy, or for HIV infection.
The plant of the soul: THE RINGER

There is a possibility that you are allergic to this plant, which is why you will initially take St. John's wort in small doses (one tenth of the normal dose), gradually increasing the dose to the prescribed one. St. John's wort allergy manifests itself through skin rashes, pain or gastrointestinal discomfort.
As a rule, a treatment lasts between one and three months, after which a break of 2-4 weeks is taken, and then the treatment can be resumed. Strictly follow this recommendation! Otherwise, neuralgia, sleep disorders, skin irritations and other symptoms may occur. St. John's wort is not addictive, and studies show that its effects are maintained for a considerable period of time, after the cessation of treatment.

St. John's wort extract and depression

The study that I mentioned at the beginning of the article and which was coordinated by Professor Dr. H. Woelk is just one of dozens that prove the value of St. John's wort extract in the treatment of depression. Many other studies, of a smaller or larger scale, confirm that St. John's wort is extremely effective in combating various forms of depression, as well as its psycho-emotional complications. For this reason, St. John's wort extract has become the most administered medicine in the European Union against this condition. Even in the refractory America, where the chemical-pharmaceutical industry has an overwhelming influence, the prescription of this plant in the form of an extract has become the first therapeutic option for many psychiatrists with depressed patients. What exactly does St. John's wort extract do? First of all, it causes the cerebral cortex to release certain neurotransmitters, natural substances that induce positive emotional states: optimism, enthusiasm, tone. Then, this plant attenuates, through neurological mechanisms that are only partially known, feelings of pessimism, inner emptiness, paralyzing guilt. Studies on depressed patients who took St. John's wort showed that after just two weeks of treatment, most of them overcame their asthenia, gained confidence in their own strength, and began to give up that negative self-evaluation, which is one of the main characteristics of this condition. During the St. John's wort treatment, the extract is administered, for a better effect and to avoid adverse reactions, in equal proportions with the plant powder. The daily dose of the extract will be between 600 and 1200 mg, administered in three doses, for a period of 4-6 weeks, followed by another two-week break, after which the administration can be resumed.

sâmbătă, 23 martie 2024

INFORMATII despre care nu va vorbeste medicul!

 INFORMATION that the doctor doesn't tell you about!

 Did you know that two cups of coffee a day can reduce your risk of gallstones by 40 percent? Unfortunately, most doctors, even the best ones, know how to treat you, but they aren't always knowledgeable about healthy eating and lifestyle. Here are ten pieces of advice you rarely or never hear in a doctor's office.

1 Moderate alcohol consumption prevents Alzheimer's disease. A six-year study conducted at Erasmus University (Netherlands) determined that people over the age of 55 who consumed one to three servings of alcohol per day were 42 percent less likely to develop the disease than those who did not consume alcohol at all. However, you must keep in mind one fact: excessive alcohol consumption has no positive result.2 Calcium prevents heart attacks. New research in the field has shown that women who take 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily suffer from heart problems much less than those who have problems with calcium deficiency. However, the daily dose of calcium should not exceed 2,500 milligrams.


3 Tomatoes prevent heart disease. A study of 1,379 patients

 showed that people whose diets were rich in lycopene - the substance found in tomatoes - were less than half as likely to have heart attacks.


4 Washing your hands reduces the chance of catching a cold. Don't be afraid that you will catch a cold when someone sneezes next to you! Research has shown that in eight out of ten cases, colds are transmitted through hands. Washing them is the most effective prophylactic measure that will protect you from infection with a virus.


5 Moderate exercise prevents diabetes. Experts say that walking at a brisk pace for two and a half hours a week considerably reduces your risk of developing diabetes.


6 Spinach improves eyesight. Researchers from different countries have concluded that if you eat spinach five times a week, the risk of cataracts decreases by 77 percent. And papaya contains a very powerful oxidant that blocks harmful ultraviolet light.


7 Vitamin D prevents unpleasant events related to osteoporosis. Researchers at an American university have shown that postmenopausal women who take vitamin D regularly are half as likely to suffer from osteoporosis as those who do not take vitamin D.


8 Eating small, frequent meals lowers cholesterol. Everyone knows that you should avoid fats that build up in your arteries, but doctors have shown that the frequency of your meals is just as important as the content. Studies conducted in England have shown that cholesterol levels are lower for the same amount of fat and calories in the daily diet of those who eat five to six small meals a day than for those who eat one or two large meals a day.


9 Taking a daily multivitamin can cut your risk of cancer in half. New research shows that the magical power of vitamin E in combination with folic acid, calcium, and vitamins A and C can cut your risk of colon cancer by 57 percent.


10 Prayer speeds up recovery after surgery, prevents the appearance of some diseases and prolongs life. Researchers around the world continue to draw attention to an amazing fact: people who pray regularly are healthier than those who do not believe in God. Because it does not matter which God and in which church they pray. The important thing is that he believes in forces stronger than him, that he tries to communicate with them, which helps him a lot.


 Putini stiu ca Biblia, aceasta " carte a cartilor" contine si lectii importante pentru sanatatea fizica.Astfel una din mancarurile folosite ca desert la Cina cea de taina a fost: « Charosetul »:

Acesta consta intr-o combinatie de mere tocate marunt (o jumatate de mar de marime potrivita, pentru o persoana) si nuci pisate, carora li se adauga stafide pisate sau strivite, curmale, scortisoara si miere.


Consumand in mod constant acest desert biblic, putem alunga durerile de inima, putem scapa de calculii renali si biliari, care sunt eliminati, putem ajuta o tioida hipoactiva, putem face sa dispara, petele de pe piele, petele hepatice, acneea, psoriazisul si herpesul, insomnia.


Miracolul din Charoset infrunta cancerul si ajuta la tratamentul infectiilor cu candida.


 1. Tamaia = darul magic

Unul din darurile pe care magii le-au adus la nasterea lui  Iisus a  fost tamaia. Tamaia era utilizata in acele timpuri drept un  remediu universal in prevenirea infectiilor si era apreciata pentru capacitatile sale antiseptice, antiinflamatorii si analgezice, precizeaza Aron Tabor pe
Istoricul roman si  botanistul Pliniu cel Batran recomanda tamaia ca un antidot pentru otravirea cu cucuta. Se credea totodata ca tamaia ar fi eficienta si in problemele digestive si in tratarea racelii, a febrelor, a tusei, dar si pentru regenerarea parului si a pielii si pentru intarirea  gingiilor. Pentru a-si astupa si vindeca ranile din scoarta, arborele de Boswellia, originar din Orientul Mijlociu, secreta aceasta rasina speciala.
Esenta de tamaie dispune de o energie yin vindecatoare, ce inlesneste  curatarea energetica si spirituala, dar are totodata efecte extraordinare in afectiunile respiratorii si in tratarea bronsitei si a laringitei. In medicina moderna s-au facut unele cercetari ce atesta calitatile exceptionale ale tamaiei. Cercetatorii au facut referire la ea ca un posibil tratament pentru anumite tipuri de cancer, pentru colitele ulcerative, pentru boala Crohn, pentru anxietate  sau astm etc.
2. Smirna = aur pentru sistemul imunitar
 Alaturi de tamaie, cei trei magi au adus in dar pruncului Iisus si smirna, ambele considerate a fi obiecte "de lux" si la fel de pretioase ca si aurul. Insa beneficiile smirnei nu inceteaza sa ne uimeasca si astazi, in epoca moderna. In mod traditional, smirna era folosita pentru a trata artrita, pentru a imbunatati circulatia, pentru tulburari digestive, dureri ale menstruatiei, infectii  respiratorii, respiratie urat mirositoare, lepra, febra si racelile, gingii slabite etc, insa  oamenii de stiinta i-au descoperit si alte beneficii.
Pe langa intarirea sistemului imunitar acestia cred ca smirna stimuleaza productia de celule albe din sange. Smirna este un antioxidant extrem de puternic, iar medicina actuala are in vedere efectele pe care le are aceasta in tratarea cancerului si a tumorilor.
Stiati ca in 2001, cercetatorii de la Universitatea Rutgers au identificat substantele continute de smirna care omoara celulele canceroase? La fel ca si tamaia, smirna contine 75% seschiterpene care stimuleaza partea creierului care controleaza emotiile.
Totodata, ajuta si hipotalamusul, glanda pineala si glanda pituitara. Smirna are si proprietati antifungice, antibacteriale si antiinflamatorii.
 3. Usturoiul = planta vitalitatii
Usturoiul este una dintre cele mai vechi plante cultivate pe acest pamant, datand de acum 6000 de ani. Egiptenii antici credeau  ca usturoiul este inzestrat cu virtuti sacre si era plasat ca atare in mormintele faraonilor. Totodata, era obligatoriu ca sclavii care construiau piramidele sa consume usturoi, intensificandu-si astfel puterea si vitalitatea.
Usturoiul era consumat si in timpurile antice de atletii greci si soldatii romani inainte de a pleca la batalie sau la vreo competitie pentru a le spori vigoarea. Usturoiul era folosit atat ca aliment, cat si ca medicament in timpul vietii lui Iisus.
Usturoiul este intr-adevar miraculos si are proprietati medicinale si vindecatoare remarcabile. Este un antibiotic natural extrem de puternic, dar si un antioxidant pe masura, iar calitatile sale antibacteriale si antivirale au devenit legenda. Conform oamenilor de stiinta de la Universitatea Alabama, Birmingham, o dieta bogata in usturoi poate preveni aparitia anumitor tipuri de cancer precum cel de colon, de san sau de prostate deoarece  usturoiul are puterea de a amplifica producerea de suflat de hidrogen. Totodata, ustoroiul este minunat in ceea ce priveste beneficiile cardiovasculare, reducand nivelul de trigliceride si colesterolul total de la 5% pana la 15%.
 4. Limba Mielului = Bogata in fitonutrienti, minerale si vitamine
 Bogata in fitonutrienti, minerale si vitamine, limba mielului era consumata atat in alimentatie, cat si pentru mentinerea sanatatii in timpurile lui Iisus. In medicina traditionala, limba mielului era utilizata pentru a reduce tusea, febra, durerile menstruale, reumatismul, eczemele. Astazi, se stie ca planta de Limba Mielului contine acizi grasi esentiali precum acid gama-linoleic (in concentratie de 17-20%) ce sunt renumiti pentru efectul lor antiinflamator.
Acidul linolenic este un acid gras omega-6 ce joaca un rol esential in reducerea durerilor articulare, in intarirea imunitatii si a mentinerii sanatatii  pielii. Totodata, limba mielului contine o cantitate insemnata de vitamina C (60% din doza zilnica recomandata per 100 g), vitamina A (140% din doza zilnica recomandata), vitamina B3 (niacin), fier (41% din doza zilnica recomandata), calciu, potasiu, cupru, magneziu, zinc.
 5. Feniculul = unul dintre cele mai bune alimente antioxidante si antiinflamatorii de pe planeta Feniculul era o planta utilizata in timpurile lui Iisus ca un substitut de sezon pentru piper, fiind totodata cunoscuta pentru efectul sau de crestere a apetitului. In Naturalis Historia a lui Plinius se mentioneaza insa si intrebuintarea medicala a feniculului: se credea ca feniculul are efecte benefice asupra sanatatii ochiului.
Cercetarile moderne au aratat insa ca feniculul este o sursa excelenta de vitamina C, acid folic, potasiu si fibre dietare.
Cu doar 27 de calorii per ceasca si zero colesterol,  feniculul este unul dintre cele mai bune alimente antioxidante si antiinflamatorii de pe planeta. Cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Texas au descoperit ca anetolul, un fitonutrient antiinflamator ce impiedica transformarea celulelor normale in celule canceroase, se gaseste din belsug in compozitia feniculului. Feniculul este intrebuintat astazi in tratarea flatulentei, a indigestiei, a hipertensiunii, in alaptare si in tratarea sindromului premenstrual, in tratarea congestiei sinusurilor.
 6. Rodia = "Super Antioxidantul"
Despre rodie, nu se poate spune decat de bine.. Inca din epoca lui Iisus, rodia era considerata un dar pretios al naturii si folosita ca un remediu in medicina. Radacinile de rodie erau preparate si intrebuintate pentru a elimina parazitii intestinali precum tenia.
Florile de rodie serveau in schimb drept remediu pentru afte si dizenterie. Stiinta moderna arata ca rodiile contin o paleta  bogata si diversa de substante protective si benefice incluzand fitoestrogeni, polifenoli, tanin elagic, antocianina. Toate aceste substante sunt in mod natural antioxidanti puternici.
Mai mult, cercetatorii au demonstrat ca sucul de rodie are abilitatea uimitoare de a anula ateroscleroza existenta. In plus, un studiu efectuat in Israel arata ca sucul de rodie distruge celulele canceroase, lasandu-le in schimb intact pe cele sanatoase.
Semintele de rodie actioneaza precum unei aspirine, prevenind formarea de cheaguri de sange. Rodia contine o cantitate insemnata de antioxidanti (vitamine si enzime raspunzatoare pentru mentinerea in cote normale a colesterolului) si de aceea a fost numita "superantioxidantul".
Oamenii de stiinta de la Universitatea din California, Berkeley, au descoperit ca sucul de rodie are o putere antioxidanta de trei ori mai mare decat cea a vinului rosu sau a ceaiului verde,  antioxidanti puternic la randul lor.
7. Tarhonul = Mai mult decat un condiment, un medicament  excelent
Cu o aroma deosebita ce il recomanda drept un pretios  condiment,tarhonul era utilizat in vremurile lui Iisus si ca remediu in medicina traditionala. Se credea ca tarhonul stimuleaza apetitul si este util  in tratarea sughitului, a indigestiei si a meteorismului.
Ceaiul de tarhon era folosit pentru tratarea insomniilor, iar frunzele de tarhon erau pur si simplu mestecate pentru ameliorarea durerilor de dinti.
Cunoscut ca "rege al plantelor", tarhonul are proprietati antioxidante si contribuie la stimularea creierului, a sistemului nervos, a sistemului circulator, al sistemului endocrin si digestiv.Conform cercetarilor recente, componentele sale polifenolice contribuie la scaderea nivelului de glucoza din sange.
8. Varza = Peste 87 de remedii
In Naturalis Historia, se arata pe, Plinius mentiona cel putin 87 de remedii atribuite verzei. Specialistii in medicina ale timpurilor lui Iisus considerau ca prin consumul frecvent de varza cruda te protejezi impotriva durerilor de cap si iti intaresti vederea. De asemenea, consumul de varza cruda era indicat si pentru mentinerea starii generale de sanatate, iar compresele devarza inmuiata in apa calduta erau folosite in tratarea ranilor si a   luxatiilor si chiar a diverselor forma de cancer, chiar daca termenul nu este cunoscut in acele timpuri.
Astazi se cunoaste faptul ca varza este un bun antioxidant, continand chiar mai multa vitamina C decat portocalele. Este totodata o sursa bogata de iod, ceea ce ajuta la functionarea optima a creierului si a sistemului nervos, dar si la mentinerea unei bune functionari a glandelor endocrine. Varza contine si vitamina E, calciu, magneziu, potasiu, vitamina B, fibre.
 9. Murele = fructele cu cel mai mare nivel de antioxidanti
Murele erau considerate a fi eficiente in bolile gingiilor si ale amigdalelor in epoca lui Iisus, se arata pe acelasi site. In acele timpuri se credea ca murele pot chiar neutraliza efectele veninului de sarpe. Pe de alta parte, Plinius mentiona in Naturalis Historia intrebuintarea extractelor din mugurii de mur in scop diuretic si curativ, iar a frunzelor de mur in tratarea ranilor pielii. In zilele noastre, cercetatorii ne dezvaluie faptul ca murele se numara printre fructele cu cel mai mare nivel de antioxidanti. Dintre legume, doar spanacul si varza Kale mai prezinta o cantitate similara de antioxidanti. Murele sunt o sursa excelenta de vitamina C (100 g de mure contin 35% din doza zilnica recomandata), au putine calorii, contin fitoestrogen, antocianine, acid elagic, salicil. Prin urmare, au efect de protectie impotriva cancerului  (cervical in special), a bolilor psihice si a celor cardiace.
10. Isopul = "Planta Sfanta"
"Curata-ma cu isop si voi fi curat", spune David in psalmul 51:7...
Considerat a fi planta purificatoare, isopul era folosit de vechii egipteni in curatarea templelor, iar in timpurile lui Iisus pentru curatarea ritualica a leprosilor. Isopului i se mai spune si "planta sfanta" si este considerata a fi vindecatoare inca din timpurile biblice Atunci cand Iisus a fost rastignit pe cruce, cei din preajma s-au folosit de un lujer de isop pentru a ridica buretele inmuiat in otet menit sa-i "stinga" setea. Totodata, in timpul Pastelui evreiesc, isopul  era utilizat spre a picta casele israelitilor.
Romanii au folosit si ei aceasta planta pentru a se proteja impotriva ciumei.
Medical vorbind, isopul era folosit mai ales in problemele respiratorii, sub forma de ceai, dar si in tratarea tusei si pe post de decongestionant  nazal. Durerile reumatice si cele artritice, febra, dar si ranile si taieturile erau tratate cu aceasta planta.
Cercetarile moderne au demonstrat ca, intr-adevar, isopul are proprietati antiseptice, antimicrobiene si astringente. Uleiul esential de isop este folosit in cazul bronsitelor sau al racelilor.
Un studiu efectuat in 2003 si condus de Brigham Young University a confirmat ca isopul, in concentratii mici, inhiba dezvoltarea celulelor canceroase.

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