

sâmbătă, 23 martie 2024

INFORMATII despre care nu va vorbeste medicul!

 INFORMATION that the doctor doesn't tell you about!

 Did you know that two cups of coffee a day can reduce your risk of gallstones by 40 percent? Unfortunately, most doctors, even the best ones, know how to treat you, but they aren't always knowledgeable about healthy eating and lifestyle. Here are ten pieces of advice you rarely or never hear in a doctor's office.

1 Moderate alcohol consumption prevents Alzheimer's disease. A six-year study conducted at Erasmus University (Netherlands) determined that people over the age of 55 who consumed one to three servings of alcohol per day were 42 percent less likely to develop the disease than those who did not consume alcohol at all. However, you must keep in mind one fact: excessive alcohol consumption has no positive result.2 Calcium prevents heart attacks. New research in the field has shown that women who take 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily suffer from heart problems much less than those who have problems with calcium deficiency. However, the daily dose of calcium should not exceed 2,500 milligrams.


3 Tomatoes prevent heart disease. A study of 1,379 patients

 showed that people whose diets were rich in lycopene - the substance found in tomatoes - were less than half as likely to have heart attacks.


4 Washing your hands reduces the chance of catching a cold. Don't be afraid that you will catch a cold when someone sneezes next to you! Research has shown that in eight out of ten cases, colds are transmitted through hands. Washing them is the most effective prophylactic measure that will protect you from infection with a virus.


5 Moderate exercise prevents diabetes. Experts say that walking at a brisk pace for two and a half hours a week considerably reduces your risk of developing diabetes.


6 Spinach improves eyesight. Researchers from different countries have concluded that if you eat spinach five times a week, the risk of cataracts decreases by 77 percent. And papaya contains a very powerful oxidant that blocks harmful ultraviolet light.


7 Vitamin D prevents unpleasant events related to osteoporosis. Researchers at an American university have shown that postmenopausal women who take vitamin D regularly are half as likely to suffer from osteoporosis as those who do not take vitamin D.


8 Eating small, frequent meals lowers cholesterol. Everyone knows that you should avoid fats that build up in your arteries, but doctors have shown that the frequency of your meals is just as important as the content. Studies conducted in England have shown that cholesterol levels are lower for the same amount of fat and calories in the daily diet of those who eat five to six small meals a day than for those who eat one or two large meals a day.


9 Taking a daily multivitamin can cut your risk of cancer in half. New research shows that the magical power of vitamin E in combination with folic acid, calcium, and vitamins A and C can cut your risk of colon cancer by 57 percent.


10 Prayer speeds up recovery after surgery, prevents the appearance of some diseases and prolongs life. Researchers around the world continue to draw attention to an amazing fact: people who pray regularly are healthier than those who do not believe in God. Because it does not matter which God and in which church they pray. The important thing is that he believes in forces stronger than him, that he tries to communicate with them, which helps him a lot.

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