In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Spleen, together with the Pancreas and the Stomach, occupies the energy lodge called "Earth" in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is considered the "central organ of digestion". Its field of action is considered: The ability to sort, absorb and process nutrients (decides which will be used for immediate nourishment, which will be stored and which will be eliminated - together with the corresponding organs) The Spleen is the "organ of transformation and nutrition". Unfortunately, it is one of the most unbalanced organs of modern people, and we will gradually explain why. We will also review some of the simple remedies, within anyone's reach, to re-balance it. The SPLINE is responsible for "nutrition" in our body. A strong "spleen" makes the person feel "nourished" (physically, emotionally, etc.), and a "weak spleen" will make the person feel weak, "undernourished". On a physical level, a person can eat a healthy diet, but if the Spleen is weak, it cannot convert food into the nutrients the body needs. The same is true on an emotional level. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, in any treatment of illness, we must begin by balancing the Spleen and its partner organ, the Stomach.
The Physical “Domain” of the Spleen
The main measure of the power of the Spleen is represented by the vigor of the digestive system. The proper functioning of all digestive fluids, from saliva to pancreatic or gastric juice, is due to its strength. Also, substances taken from the digestive tract strengthen the soft tissues and give them tone. Therefore, the general tone of the body, of the organs – depends on the energy of the Spleen.
Look at the digestion and tone of modern people, young and old alike!
The Non-Physical “Domain” of the Spleen
The Spleen is considered the “house of thoughts” in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Clarity of thoughts, their clarity and a good thought process depend on the energy of the Spleen.
On an emotional level, the Spleen governs feelings of care for both oneself and others. A strong Spleen energy leads to the foundation of a strong emotional life, in which our needs are met (both physical and emotional) and we are able to be generous, to “float” in the flow of life with dedication and not to cling to life in a position of “lack” or hunger.
In excess, self-care can become an obsession with one’s own problems, which leads to Stagnation of inner energy. Care for others, in excess, becomes an obsession with meeting the needs of others – when we ourselves are “empty”. It is precisely these types of excesses that lead to the imbalance of Spleen energy in modern society.
Psychologically, the Spleen deals with two essential areas:
When the Spleen energy is mature, we are able to nourish ourselves from within and rely on our own strength – so that NEEDS do not make us “poor”, but we are “rich” in inner resources. Archetypal, the Spleen is related to the MOTHER and the relationship with her. In the process of growing up, we depend exclusively on what our mother provides for us in the first years. As we grow, we discover our “inner mother”, who provides “nourishment” and “support”. This is a mature Spleen Energy.
The Spleen is thus linked to taking responsibility for one's own life, that is, to the process of MATURATION. Our society is full of unraised "children", who are always looking for a "mother" (government, city hall, employer, partner, children, friends, etc.) to fulfill their needs. All of these people have big problems with the Spleen energy and energy imbalances throughout the body.
SPLINE in balance, well-nourished. The abundant energy of the Spleen generates a feeling of well-being, a state of ease and comfort of being in one's own body. We feel content, we enjoy the pleasures of life and we have a deep relationship with our own sensuality. We feel "abundance" at all levels, meaning we can give and receive generously. Digestion is relaxed and efficient, the body feels supported and in tone, the mind is clear and can concentrate easily. We are both "grounded", connected to material problems and to our own body, but also connected at the same time to the "Divine Mother", to Nature, the Universe, Divinity, etc. knowing that we will receive what we need at the right time.
SPLEEN in imbalance
Food digestion is difficult. Emotional nourishment is not easily received either. Mental concentration is difficult. We feel loveless, hungry for love and instead of seeking it, we turn to foods in which we bury our pain (especially sweets, chocolate and sugar, which accentuate the energetic imbalances of the Spleen, Pancreas, Adrenals, Liver) or drugs (from tobacco, alcohol, dusts to overwork or shopping). When the body feels "undernourished" emotionally, the body can actually contract and further slow down the flow of nutrients into the soft tissues, and the person's posture can collapse, especially in the lumbosacral region (pain and hernias appear at this level).
Balancing the energy of the SPLEEN is an imperative need for modern people. Touch – The Spleen loves touch – massage, petting and hugging with loved ones (even petting your dog or cat is good!), self-massage after a shower – are all ways to strengthen the Spleen
“stretching” – stretching, as after sleep – the need to stretch your arms, legs, back, the whole body – are very tonic for the Spleen. Stretching relieves constrictions and opens the way for nutrients to the soft tissues. Walking on all fours, rolling on the floor or bare ground, playing “tumble” with children or animals, helps an adult to get better “in touch” with the Earth – with the energy of the Spleen. The feeling of feeling comfortable in your own home, or in the place where you live – intensifies the energy of the Spleen. Everyone’s home is an external mirror of the condition of the Spleen of that person. Even if it is just a corner in a room, if you feel comfortable there, the Spleen will be balanced. The need for routine, for “care rituals” – morning tea, served at your favorite table, or reading your favorite book, or massage, or going to the hairdresser, anything that you feel gives you great pleasure and “feeds” your soul – done on a regular basis, strengthens the Spleen. Being an “Earth” organ, the Spleen loves stability and structure, being unbalanced by many changes. That is why many modern people, who no longer have the notion of “home”, but travel continuously, have an extremely unbalanced Spleen. The learning process – nourishes the Spleen. Learning new skills, a foreign language, an instrument, any new information – is very nutritious for the Spleen. When we give ourselves time to do whatever we want or enjoy – then we strengthen the energy of the Spleen
The spleen needs sweeter food. But this does NOT mean sugar, but sweeter-tasting foods such as cereals or root vegetables, such as apple rice pudding or pumpkin cream soup (very nutritious for the Spleen). The spleen needs well-cooked food, cooked for a long time. Thick soups (vegetable cream soups) and vegetable stews nourish the Spleen very well, they are easy to digest ("baby food"). The spleen has difficulty with raw and cold food. The weaker your Spleen is, the more it benefits from well-cooked food. The spleen does not tolerate excess fluids, so it is good not to drink too much during meals. It is useful to separate fruits and sweetened foods from the main meals - so the Spleen's function of "sorting and separating" will be greatly supported. The spleen needs you to chew well. Also, the position at the table should be relaxed, but in an open posture, so that the organs have room to move. If we sit twisted, crooked, hunched or squatting, we will compress the digestive organs and hinder the digestion process. Aromatic herbs stimulate digestion, so including them in the preparation of dishes will help the Spleen. Yellow/orange colors are the main ones that help the Spleen, so pumpkin, carrot, orange lentils – they resonate energetically with the energy of the Spleen.